February Favourites 2022

February Favourites 2022

Lamar Elimbo / Curations

February Favourites 2022

Table of contents

🍿 My Favourite Movies of the Month




The Bourne Franchise


The Gift


The Transporter Franchise


No Exit


Men in Black Franchise



πŸ“Ί My Favourite Shows of the Month




Inventing Anna

πŸ“š My Favourite Reads of the Month

Inversion: The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You

πŸ”— / Valentin Perez's Favorites List / James Clear’s Article

”The Stoics believed that by imagining the worst case scenario ahead of time, they could overcome their fears of negative experiences and make better plans to prevent them. While most people were focused on how they could achieve success, the Stoics also considered how they would manage failure. What would things look like if everything went wrong tomorrow? And what does this tell us about how we should prepare today?”

Groundhogs Do Not Make Good Meteorologists

πŸ”— / Sidebar.io / Article

β€œAfter dozens of gruelling hours of investigation, FiveThirtyEight can confirm that Punxsutawney Phil is a charlatan. A groundbreaking analysis has revealed the Pennsylvania-based groundhog who makes annual predictions about the arrival of spring is not nearly as reliable a prognosticator as those close to him claim.”

πŸ–₯ My Favourite Websites of the Month

My Personal Website

I moved my site from Webflow to Super.so in order to reduce the friction that I was experiencing anytime I wanted to transfer my notes from my Notion to my website.

Nev Flynn’s Personal Website

Simon Sarris’ Personal Website

Wimmelbilder Reddit

πŸ”— / Solar Sands Video / Reddit

πŸ› οΈ My Favourite Tools of the Month

Shade map

πŸ”— / Dense Discovery / Shade Map

Global map of sunlight and shadow for any date and time.


πŸ”—Β / Super.so

Build simple websites with nothing but Notion.


πŸ”—Β / MeshGradients.design

Hand-curated Mesh Gradient Collection.

✏️ My Favourite Personal Creation of the Month


Intimidation Tactics

πŸ’ͺ🏽 My Favourite Lifestyle Changes of the Month

Opportunity Mindset

During difficult times I want to start making a mental habit of thinking: β€œyou know what, this is actually a good opportunity to ________.”

Digital Breadcrumbs

Whenever I add sources to items I’m referencing, I’d like to start adding a new breadcrumb element, which will show the list of links that led me to find each find.

πŸ”— / link / link

πŸ’¬ My Favourite Words of Wisdom of the Month

πŸ’¬Β Quotes

Calmfident: calm and confident β€” Logan Ury πŸ”— / Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal Interview on How To Become Better At Relationships
β€œWe don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.” - Zero waste advocate Anne-Marie Bonneau πŸ”— / Dense Discovery
β€œThe originality of an idea depends on the obscurity of sources.” β€” John Hegarty πŸ”—Β / David Perell Interview on Building an Idea Factory [15:48]

πŸ’¬Β Concepts & Definitions

β€œInstead of working back from a goal, work forward from promising situations. This is what most successful people actually do anyway. In the graduation-speech approach, you decide where you want to be in twenty years, and then ask: what should I do now to get there? I propose instead that you don't commit to anything in the future, but just look at the options available now, and choose those that will give you the most promising range of options afterward. It's not so important what you work on, so long as you're not wasting your time. Work on things that interest you and increase your options, and worry later about which you'll take.” πŸ”— / Paul Graham Article
Moral licensing: the theory that when you do something good, you subconsciously feel that you’ve earned a license to then do something bad πŸ”— / Mind Field Episode

🧨 My Favourite Sparks of Motivation & Inspiration

Morphological analysis for creativity

Video [2:48-4:01] β†’

A strategy for developing novel ideas by exploring all possible combinations of related parameters.

πŸ–ΌοΈ My Favourite Visuals of the Month

πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ¨Β My favourite artists of the month

LiskaFlower β€’ Instagram account β†’


Millo β€’ Instagram account β†’


Tony Babel β€’ Twitter account β†’

[Press Play]

Sergey Tyukanov


πŸ“ΈΒ My favourite photos of the month

πŸ€” My Favourite Mindsets of the Month

On how ideas are formed

The Hunch: an inkling about an idea or an initial thought about an idea and how it develops overtime. [9:24-13:47]

On being a generalist vs a specialist

On the topic of being a generalist vs a specialist: I really like the idea of being a specialist who is able to examine a generalist’s spectrum through their lens.

On niching down

Nice map metaphor for the benefits of niching down [51:30-53:12]

On antiquated futurism

Interesting idea of antiquated futurism. Ex, we might not feel the need to work on teleportation, because we’ll have digital & holographic teleportation instead.

πŸŽ™οΈ My Favourite Podcasts of the Month

πŸŽ₯ My Favourite YouTubers of the Month

My Favourite Mind Field Episodes

Season 1 Episode 1: Isolation

Season 1 Episode 2: Conformity

Season 1 Episode 3: Destruction

Season 1 Episode 4: Artificial Intelligence

Season 1 Episode 6: Touch

Season 2 Episode 5: How to Make a Hero

🎬 My Favourite Videos of the Month

🧠 My Favourite Innovative Ideas of the Month

SpinLaunch: Launching Satellites

A start-up that is building an alternative method of launching spacecrafts to orbit.

Company Website β†’

🎸 My Favourite Music of the Month