Easy Asks

Easy Asks

Easy Asks


An action oriented audience eager to help you For when you want your audience to do something for you, but you also forgot to build and audience first.

What problem does Easy Asks solve?

What do you do if you're looking for something to be done by a group of people, but you don't have an audience of your own?

Maybe you just posted your first blog article and you want some feedback. Perhaps you're a fourth year psych student looking for research participants for an online survey for your thesis. Or maybe you've just built a new app and you want people to give it a try. As someone who's been in all of these situations, but isn't keen on building up a personal audience, I wanted to come up with a solution for finding an audience without the need to maintain an audience.

And my solution was Easy Asks.


Who should use Easy Asks?

  • People who require an online task to be completed by multiple people
  • People who haven't cultivated an audience of their own

How was Easy Asks made?

I used building this app as an opportunity to learn the MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS) tech stack. I decided to choose to create a React app because the concept of component reusability worked nicely with the image I had for the app. Since I needed to build a backend to handle the data and interactions between users and their task requests, I went with MongoDB because I've grown comfortable using it in the past.

Some of the main features that I wanted to implement included:

Point Tracking System

Request completion earns 1 point and request posting costs 3 points.

Request Validation

Request poster can opt for proof that a request was completed. If they opt for this then people would have to upload a screenshot or image in order to get a completion point, otherwise they would simple have to check a checkbox.

Request Expiration

Requests remain public for 9 days. Users can postpone expiration date by 3 days for 1 point.

And after all of that is said and done, after some ideation and dedicated codifying...


I ended up with my first React app.


How does Easy Asks make money?

I'm hoping that Easy Asks will grow into a convenient and useful place for people looking for a task-ready audience. In terms of profitability, if this current iteration is able to find traction, my plan is to add a paid alternative to the point system. For example, I'll give people the option to pay a small fee to skip the 3 request completion requirement for submitting an ask. I'll also provide the option for paid expiration extension tiers (ex. $10 to keep your request public for a month).

How does Easy Asks work?

Step 1

Complete 1 request to earn 1 point

Step 2

Earn 3 points to create your own request

Step 3

Requests remain public for 9 days

Step 4

People can extend the lifespan of their public requests by using any of their accumulated points.